Thursday, October 27, 2011

Hot Pink ALWAYS Makes you feel better!

WARNING: Reading this blog entry may result in a very rare, but serious illness, know as Cybertageous! Becoming Cybertageous may result in sudden bursts of random laughter, cracking up, belly ache, knee slapping, and in some cases even heads falling of and dying.

Today, I am sick! "WAHHH!"
No, not sick like, sick minded or gross, and not sick like AWESOME, sick like ill.

You know why I don't care? Do you even care to know? If you don't, then it is really your own fault for continuing to read!

Because... I have Hot Pink!!! Today,  I found this hot pink blouse that my mom bought for me for my 17th birthday. I lost it for awhile, and forgot about it... then today I looked in my sister's closet and saw it shoved in the corner!! Yes! Hot pink ROCKS!

Ok so lately, my dear sister Hannah, has been Bugging my dear friends,  Jared Kraft and Abigail Kraft 

Hannah to Abigail:

Hannah: Dear Abby, this is han
I just wanted to let you know that my zebra phantom is going to assassinate you tonight. That is all BTW Kaite is giving me permission 2 do this

Me: Lol sorry she didn't know you don't like being called Abby lol

Abigail: Haha! That's ok, Hannah....find zebra assassinations by phantom zebra far more offensive than the name Abby. xD LOL.

I did know that Hannah was going to say that! My goodness!

THEN, she said to Jared...

Hannah: Jared this is Hannah
I just sent my Okapi on a plane to Kansas to CLOP your house! You do not know what day, what time, just be ready!

Wat you need to do, is to go to a foreign gas station, go into the convenient store and look for Okapi repellent spray!

Jared: Oh my gosh! Okapis clopped my pet reindeer last winter!!! How dare you send one to my house?!

Hannah: Next, go into your back yard, and look under all surrounding rocks for potato bugs and put them in a big box
Take them inside and spray them with your Okapi spray and spread the bugs around the house. Then take some ramen, , Eat the ramen with chopstics Because spoons are so last year! And eat that every day untill the Okapi comes... don't forget Adobo!

Jared: *writing all this down*

Hannah: I call my little friend O-Claw-pi!
Oops, here comes Kaitlyn!

Me: Omgoooshh I didn't know Hannah did this! Haha.. I'm sorry

Jared:I was pretty scared! Okapis killed my pet reindeer last winter...

  Why, my dear sister, Why do you threaten my friends?
Now they both fear for there lives!

My mom shared something with me today which made me really happy! Basically, God has just given her so much peace and Joy lately, and told me some things that God specifically said to her! I won't say exactly, because I didn't ask her to talk about her personal conversation with me, but it was a huge answer to prayer! God is so good!

Well that is all for today... if you receive a mysterious message containing the words "Zebra" or "Okapi" be afraid....

Be very Afraid!

~The Kaitee Lady

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feeling Sentamental

I guess you could call this a cheat since I didn't write this today... but, i was looking through my old blog and found this entry for my mom's birthday four years ago!

y mom’s birthday is coming up soon, but she doesn’t want me to announce the proud age (fancy that), so instead of what I normally do, write one that that I love about the person for each year (since in doing that I would give the age away), I will have to come up with something different!

Hmmm….  What could I do?

Oh, I know!  I can write a poem!

This may take awhile, but since you can’t see my thinking process, my erasing, my starting over…  this won’t take very long for YOU! I could very well leave for a year, with it unfinished, come back and finish it , and you would never know a thing.  But since all I have is a few days and not a year, I don’t think that method would work!

Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking!  Stop that infernal rambling and get on with the  point!

Okay, okay! Back to the point.  Oh wait! What was the point? Yes, right, the poem! He! He! I have a dumb sense of humor!

Okay, time to get serious! :/
  • whispers under breath * seriously silly!  He! He!

So here’s the poem:

Thank-you, Mom,
  For endless days
Youve cared for me,
  In endless ways

Thanks for working
  Every hour,
To protect me from
  Evils power.

The days, they seem,
  To slip away
And sometimes our friendship
  Begins to fray.

I just want
  You to know,
Thanks for caring more,
    For how I grow.

Most of all
  I want to thank you for
Guiding me upward,
  More and more.

For teaching me the way,
  That I should go,
Even when
  It hurts you so.

Please forgive
  My days
And every time
  It did replay.

Thanks for the lessons
  Youve taught to me,
Like saving myself
  For the man to be.

Thanks for guiding me
  All the way
Every time
  I start to stray.

Thank-You for not
  Giving up on me.
When I was surly,
  You prayed for me.

I wish your birthday
  Is warm and happy.
I hope this poem
  Was not too sappy!

Now go up to my mom and tell her she still looks young!  (Even though you probably haven’t seen her!  LOL!

HEARTS to my momma! <3 <3 <3

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Before Breakfast

Right now, I am SO cold! It's not even that cold outside, but my insides shake much like the quivering of a leaf in the wind. My sister just noticed that I was shivering uncontrollably and ran to go get me gloves. I told her that gloves were not going to fix the fact that my whole body was and still is cold! My sister looked at me and then handed me the pair of soft red gloves anyway saying with vigorous gestures,
"But your HANDS are connected to your HEAD!"
I laughed and put them on for a little bit just to make her happy, but they don't match my outfit, and it's hard to type with gloves on. They are sitting right next to the laptop as I type. Hehe

This morning I had a terrifying dream right before I woke up, It was 5:00, but I decided to stay awake and text :D My mom told me later that day, that i should have come and woke up Daddy, because he accidently slept in! Oops!

I'm glad I did decide upon awaking early,  because if I had fallen back asleep I would be all groggy right now, but instead I feel great! (well except for being cold!)

Then before breakfast I decided to go for a walk, (I suppose I should have eaten breakfast first..)
I saw so many lovely things! I am so glad that I grabbed pictures!... grabbed, why did I say grabbed? I mean TOOK I took pictures, but I grabbed the camera!


He is Jealous for me,
Love is like a hurricane, I am a tree,
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy. 
When all of the sudden, I am unaware of there afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realize just how beautiful you are,
And how great your affections are for me.

Oh, how he loves us so,
Oh how he loves us, how he loves us so!

How He Loves Lyrics
Artist(Band):David Crowder Band

You can imagine how I feel about that!


Pretty darn happy!

Good Morning little DUCKIES! I hope your not cold swimming out there!

 You know, this water looks like it might be better for walking on... I bet if we could have a reenactment of Peter walking on the water with Jesus, I imaging it here!
Although, it takes greater faith to walk on stormy waters then on peaceful waters.

If your wondering why I am looking at my had like that, its not because I think I need a manicure, (Although, I DO my nails and cuticles are so unkempt) it is because my hands are FREEEEZING!!!!

Abigail Kraft!!! You need to live in the house with the "Kraft" sign!!! That way we can drink lattes together and take lots of pictures!!!! 
Although, the drink I am holding in that pic was actually a pumpkin spice milkshake! Mostly because I don't think I should be having caffeine again for awhile! I felt the effects of the last one I had for like three days afterwards, but also mostly (yes I know I said mostly twice, mother) because,

I've always had a thing for...


While waiting for mom to come out of the post office, Hanna sits there dreaming about zebras, and Noah chomps on his lollipop and plays with his awesome 3DS

Pray you all have the loveliest of lovely days lovelies!!!

~The Kaitee Lady

Monday, October 24, 2011

Strange Similies

Today my mother said "Man! I have been working like a dog all day long!" and I said, "Do dogs work?" I pointed at Quimby, our dog who was lazily laying in the middle of the living room floor,  then Noah piped in "But Kaitlyn, Quimby is retired!" I thought it was funny, but my mom didn't seem to amused, mostly because she was really busy. I got to thinking about it after that, and realized that there are so many weirs similes that people use that make no sense at all!

When people get sweaty, they say, "i'm sweating like a pig!" Which is invalid since pigs don't actually sweat!

Here are some sources I got this info from:

  • Pigs don't sweat because they don't have sweat glands. Most people have the common misconception that pigs are really dirty animals because they like to role in the mud. This is not true. They like to roll in the mud because it keeps them cool on those hot summer days.

  • Pigs do have a few sweat glands, but not enough to cool them down like ours do. They cool down by wallowing in mud.

  • The commonly known phrase “Sweat Like a Pig” is not accurate because pigs don’t actually sweat. Humans, other primates, bears and horses all sweat to cool down, but not pigs. When humans, for example, get hot, the skin sends a message to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus’ job is to regulate body temperature. After receiving the message from the skin, it then sends a message to the sweat glands via the spinal cord and the sympathetic ganglia. The sweat glands release liquid, which is 99% water and 1% salts, amino acids and other chemicals, onto the skin and as the sweat evaporates, it has a cooling effect.

Pigs don’t have the right kind of sweat glands to cool themselves in this way. Only a few sweat glands are functional and they can’t generate sweat. They are also unable to pant the way that dogs do, so cannot get rid of excess heat this way. So what’s a pig to do? They wallow and bathe in something wet, such as mud , ponds, seeps, and lakes to help them cool down.

Read more at Suite101: Domestic Pig Facts and Why Pigs Don't Sweat |

So there you have it! Pigs don't sweat!

Another one is "Singing like a dying cow" For one, I don't believe cows sing at all! So why would they begin singing when they are dying? Poor cows get thrown under a bus for no reason at all! If the person sings badly, don't drag the poor cows into it!

And my favorite one to make fun is, "Sleeping like a baby." Normally people say this if they mean they are sleeping soundly, but do they realize that babies do not usually sleep through the night? Babies wake up like every 2 hours wanting to be fed! 

A friend did point out to me that this saying is used because of the sweet look of a baby as they sleep....
Awwwww.... so true:

People, use similes that are logical don't just say them because everyone says it!

Here are a few that DO make sence:

  •  when people get a sunburn - "Pealing like a lizard" 
  • If you go to sleep really quickly- "out like a light"
  • being really slow- "slower than Molasses" 
  • A cute couple- "go together like Peanut butter and Jelly"

~The Kaitee Lady

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Drawing a blank

I don't really know what to blog about today... so I will just talk about what happened today.
So, this morning, I woke up at 5:00, fully intending to go for a walk. But as I sat there in my warm comfortable bed, and looked out the window at the foggy chilly-appearing sky, I decided to get back in to my warm and comfortable bed, and go back to sleep! I had the best of intentions, but I guess it doesn't matter if I don't do anything about it.

We went to church and I listened to a sermon about finding direction. It was exactly what I needed to hear! Actually, it was exactly what everyone needed to hear!

When I got home I felt really exhausted, so I decided to go to sleep. I know what your thinking... BORING!!!! Maybe I  can spice it up with some pics?




Tada!!!!! lol :) I will have something more interesting next time! haha

10 random thoughts....

  1. I adore penguins!
  2. My mom is crocheting an afghan and it is soooo pretty! I wish I could crochet as fast as she can!
  3. OHHH I just got a text!!! *flails hands* Yeyyyy!
  4. I wear hair ties on my wrist in case of hair emergencies! 
  5. I got a new cellphone cover at the mall! It is hot pink with black zebra stripes!
  6. My dog is sniffing my feet and it tickles, Sometimes Quimby sleeps on my shoes if I leave them out.
  7. A three shot latte is probably not the best idea when you don't usually drink caffeine I felt like I had a hangover!!! Uhhh.... not that I would know! ha!
  8. I don't like it when people ask for lemon for there water... then don't use the lemon! What a waist! Don't you understand the saying people? When life gives you lemons... you make LEMONADE! and if you don't have enough lemons, at least use the ones you were given!
  9. My leg is falling it feels all tingly
  10. I miss my friend in Pakistan :(

~The Kaitee Lady

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Best-e-ist of Birthday Wishes to my Mom!

First of all...

Bridget Regan, Bridget Regan, Bridget Regan... :D

My mom's favorite-ist thing in the entire world... is God, her family... and BRIDGET REAGAN!!!!

For those of you who may not know, Bridget Reagan is an actress form my mom's favorite show Legend of The Seeker. Her claim is that she is NOT obsessed... simply, dedicated! I just nod my head in agreement because I know that she'll try to kick my butt if I say anything! akdsjflkjasdf <-------that's called laughing lightly, if you don't know! HA!

Secondly it amuses me greatly that my mom is so "dedicated" to Legend of the seeker, that you can distract her in the middle of a conversation with Dad if you say one of there key words:

  • Bridget Reagan, Craig Horner.. or any of the other actor/actresses
  • Kahlan, Richard, Zed, or any of the charicters
  • Any of the titles of the Books
  • Night wisp, Shadrin, Confessing, Con'dar, Stone of Tears, Sword of Truth or and other item/creature from the books/show. 

 Thirdly, HAPPPYYYY, happy, Happy, HahahahaHaPpY Birthday, to you Mamma!

This is a vid that me and my siblings put together for my mom:

My mom has already seen this vid because I couldn't wait to show her... cuz I'm impatient!!!! It worked out because she needed a "pick me up" that day. I'll post it anyway just in case you haven't seen it yet though :]

My mom is funny she has like a plethora of phone cases for her phone! Her reasoning, is that she wants to be able to change her phone case to match her outfit! haha 
That will change soon though cuz she is getting a new phone. 

So Happy Birthday dearrr mommmmmyyyyyyyy!!!! HAaAaAaAaAaAAAApy Birthday..... TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!

My mother is the best mom that a Kaitlyn Elizabeth Brown can have!!! I love you so much mommy and I am so lucky for you to have birthed me!

This is a vid that I so lovingly forced my mom to do with me:

Can you tell that she REALLY did NOT want to do this vid??

Can you tell that this video was not scripted?

Can you tell that we didn't even know what we were doing, or why we were doing it?

If you couldn't, your either blind, def, or just stupid... and I pity your poor soul.

Have a lovely birthday momma! I LOVE you :) ((((hugs))))) *kisses* XOXOXO <3 <3 <3

~The Kaitee Lady