Today, I am sick! "WAHHH!"
No, not sick like, sick minded or gross, and not sick like AWESOME, sick like ill.
You know why I don't care? Do you even care to know? If you don't, then it is really your own fault for continuing to read!
Because... I have Hot Pink!!! Today, I found this hot pink blouse that my mom bought for me for my 17th birthday. I lost it for awhile, and forgot about it... then today I looked in my sister's closet and saw it shoved in the corner!! Yes! Hot pink ROCKS!
Ok so lately, my dear sister Hannah, has been Bugging my dear friends, Jared Kraft and Abigail Kraft
Hannah to Abigail:
Hannah: Dear Abby, this is han
I just wanted to let you know that my zebra phantom is going to assassinate you tonight. That is all BTW Kaite is giving me permission 2 do this
Me: Lol sorry she didn't know you don't like being called Abby lol
Abigail: Haha! That's ok, Hannah....find zebra assassinations by phantom zebra far more offensive than the name Abby. xD LOL.
I did know that Hannah was going to say that! My goodness!
Hannah: Jared this is Hannah
I just sent my Okapi on a plane to Kansas to CLOP your house! You do not know what day, what time, just be ready!
Wat you need to do, is to go to a foreign gas station, go into the convenient store and look for Okapi repellent spray!
Jared: Oh my gosh! Okapis clopped my pet reindeer last winter!!! How dare you send one to my house?!
Hannah: Next, go into your back yard, and look under all surrounding rocks for potato bugs and put them in a big box
Take them inside and spray them with your Okapi spray and spread the bugs around the house. Then take some ramen, , Eat the ramen with chopstics Because spoons are so last year! And eat that every day untill the Okapi comes... don't forget Adobo!
Jared: *writing all this down*
Hannah: I call my little friend O-Claw-pi!
Oops, here comes Kaitlyn!
Me: Omgoooshh I didn't know Hannah did this! Haha.. I'm sorry
Jared:I was pretty scared! Okapis killed my pet reindeer last winter...
Why, my dear sister, Why do you threaten my friends?
Now they both fear for there lives!
My mom shared something with me today which made me really happy! Basically, God has just given her so much peace and Joy lately, and told me some things that God specifically said to her! I won't say exactly, because I didn't ask her to talk about her personal conversation with me, but it was a huge answer to prayer! God is so good!
Well that is all for today... if you receive a mysterious message containing the words "Zebra" or "Okapi" be afraid....
Be very Afraid!
~The Kaitee Lady
LOL. Your sis is a hoot. :D Tell her she needs to hire a zebra that won't take her money and run. As for the Okapi...well, he's yet to show, but seeing as that's part of the illusive artistry of his work...we've still got our eyes out for him. o_O haha.