When people get sweaty, they say, "i'm sweating like a pig!" Which is invalid since pigs don't actually sweat!
Here are some sources I got this info from:
- Pigs don't sweat because they don't have sweat glands. Most people have the common misconception that pigs are really dirty animals because they like to role in the mud. This is not true. They like to roll in the mud because it keeps them cool on those hot summer days.
- Pigs do have a few sweat glands, but not enough to cool them down like ours do. They cool down by wallowing in mud.
- The commonly known phrase “Sweat Like a Pig” is not accurate because pigs don’t actually sweat. Humans, other primates, bears and horses all sweat to cool down, but not pigs. When humans, for example, get hot, the skin sends a message to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus’ job is to regulate body temperature. After receiving the message from the skin, it then sends a message to the sweat glands via the spinal cord and the sympathetic ganglia. The sweat glands release liquid, which is 99% water and 1% salts, amino acids and other chemicals, onto the skin and as the sweat evaporates, it has a cooling effect.
Pigs don’t have the right kind of sweat glands to cool themselves in this way. Only a few sweat glands are functional and they can’t generate sweat. They are also unable to pant the way that dogs do, so cannot get rid of excess heat this way. So what’s a pig to do? They wallow and bathe in something wet, such as mud , ponds, seeps, and lakes to help them cool down.
Read more at Suite101: Domestic Pig Facts and Why Pigs Don't Sweat | Suite101.com http://roberta-goli.suite101.com/domestic-pig-facts-and-why-pigs-dont-sweat-a267717#ixzz1bjVUNaaX
So there you have it! Pigs don't sweat!
Another one is "Singing like a dying cow" For one, I don't believe cows sing at all! So why would they begin singing when they are dying? Poor cows get thrown under a bus for no reason at all! If the person sings badly, don't drag the poor cows into it!
And my favorite one to make fun is, "Sleeping like a baby." Normally people say this if they mean they are sleeping soundly, but do they realize that babies do not usually sleep through the night? Babies wake up like every 2 hours wanting to be fed!
A friend did point out to me that this saying is used because of the sweet look of a baby as they sleep....
Awwwww.... so true:
People, use similes that are logical don't just say them because everyone says it!
Here are a few that DO make sence:
- when people get a sunburn - "Pealing like a lizard"
- If you go to sleep really quickly- "out like a light"
- being really slow- "slower than Molasses"
- A cute couple- "go together like Peanut butter and Jelly"
~The Kaitee Lady
Ironically...I don't think peanut butter and jelly go together that well. Ha! I think it should be peanut butter and honey, but that's just based on my personal taste. ;) ...or, there's always waffles and milk. Yeah.
ReplyDeleteSweating like a pig...thank you for taking the time to disprove the legitimacy of that simile. I, for one, wouldn't like it even if it were true. Who wants the visual of a sweating pig attached to them?! LOL. Nasty.
Fun post, Kaitee. :)
Have a most lovely day!